Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Jubilee By: Coleton and Deserae

Wow. My husband and I were shocked at what was inside that envelope. That's all we could think and talk about the whole day and week after. We both thought it was absolutely selfLESS and amazing at what the church was doing. The week before this, Coleton's brother had called us telling us that he and his fiance didn't even have enough money to pay for the food at their wedding, amongst other things. So when this money came, we decided to give them $250 of it to go towards paying for their wedding. The other $250 went to Muscular Dystrophy Research. My mom has muscular dystrophy and is confined to a wheelchair. I also have 3 aunts, 1 uncle and 2 cousins that have the same thing. For the past 10 years, they (the research center) have known what it was that their muscles are missing but just a few weeks ago were finally able to do treatments on two patients and it worked perfectly. So, in order for more people to get the treatment, it costs 2.5 million... so we figured at least we could help a little bit. We definitely do not have room in our budget to help out of our own pocket. We are SO thankful for this opportunity. Thank you, Hillcrest. God is doing amazing things. Coleton and Deserae Long

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