Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Jubilee By: Vicki

I cried as I opened the envelope because of the needs I had seen the day prior when we worked for the furniture mission. We delivered furniture to a young woman with 4 children who lived in a horrible looking apartment.there were no toys to be seen and the children were 5 and under. The place was very very small with no curtains but blankets up to the windows. I took a gift cert back to mom (she said she was going to use it for one of the childrens birthday) and two sacks of toys for the boys! they were ecstatic! My next stop was the Heart Hospital. My cousin who is late 60's was there with her husband who they thought may have had a heart attack. There are times they dont have enough to buy medicine in one month! She is on oxygen and carries a tank. She cried when she saw the money and told me this month she had already told the Lord, He would have to help because she didnt know what they were going to do. The last stop was a young single mother i know who has stopped going to church, in bad financial shape and cried and cried when she saw the 100.00 I gave her. I still have 225.00 left and am in prayer for the rest. Thank you for blessing me while I was able to bless someone else. One of my dreams was to give money away to the needy. What a treat!

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