Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Jubilee By: Daniel and Christine

Dan and I have finally used our $500 Year of Jubilee Money. It took us some time to decide where and how this was going to be helped.

I had over heard a coworker of mine- stating they needed a miracle to help them out. They are just stressed with bills….well…

We had decided to help out this family that is in debt – behind in medical bills and house payments. We bought them a lifetime membership to Dave Ramseys FPU and lined them up a class at a church nearby starting in September. We wrote them a letter this was not something they HAD to attend- but they could think about it. The membership is good for lifetime, and if it does not work in their schedule to start in Sept they can cancel and arrange another time that works for them.

So we wrapped this up and included the envelope of 500.00.
We dropped it off and told her to open it when her husband got home from work…as he works 2 jobs.

She later texted me…she wanted to call…but she was overwhelmed…stated they both cried – never thought that they would be in this situation- where they were in need.
And God provided. She thanked us. And we thanked our Church and God!

It was a wonderful feeling.
Thank you for this opportunity!!

Daniel and Christine Grosz

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