Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Jubilee By: Paulino & Brenda

My husband's family live in Brazil. He went there for the month of July this year. They are very poor, so we have always helped them out financially. They have had several tragedy's since we have been married. The most recent tragedy was in August 2008. My husband's mother had several strokes in 2007 and 2008 and she passed away in August 2008. That was a blessing since she could not do anything on her own anymore. On the way to the funeral, the man they hired to drive them to the funeral went off the road and rolled the car. His sister, uncle, and brother were hurt seriously and his brother's wife was killed when the car rolled over her. The others had head injuries, broken ribs, and his sister is just starting to walk again. This money helped us to help them even more. The Goehring family also gave their Jubilee money to his family. They were so thankful to God and Hill Crest Baptist Church when he told them about the Jubilee money. It was a big financial burden with the two funeral and the medical expenses. We cannot express how thankful my husband, his family, and I am. I do believe God expects us to serve and help those in need and I appreciate the teachings about complete forgiveness, helping people in need, and leading a christian life. We all sin and make many mistakes, but we need to keep striving to be more like Jesus.

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