Thursday, April 30, 2009

You need to withdraw how much?

Apparently Hillcrest is a bit strange. Apparently churches don’t usually go down to their local bank and ask for $100,000 in cash. Apparently, the bank wants multiple people, ID’s, signatures and other bank personnel (lol). Our local bank (First Premier) is a great bank because they are in the business of helping this community like we are, so at least they get it, but there is still a lot of red tape. It’s at moments like this that you ask those final questions. Do we really want to do this? Is this smart considering giving has been down? Do we really want to go through with this? Is this what God would do in our shoes? Well, we’re doing it and I’m extremely excited as to what God will do with this sacrifice. God loves Sioux Falls and he is always looking for people to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.

From Thursday night through Sunday morning, it felt strange to have $100,000 cash locked up in a safe. I guess it was safe because no one knew it was there outside of the leadership. There were four people responsible for counting and locking up the cash. Obviously, none of them had seen $100,000 in cash before. Everything was checked and double checked. Here’s a photo of the counting being done on Thursday night.

What you did

171 households picked up envelopes during the services on Sunday, May 3rd, 2009! They had no idea what was was awesome!

This is the post to let others know what you did as a result of the Jubilee. Every time you do something with all or a portion of the Jubilee money, comment to this post and the staff at Hillcrest will create a new post with that comment so others can journey with the Jubilee. Comments do not show up right away, they go through an administrator first.