Monday, June 14, 2010

The Jubilee Helps Children in China

We were given the Jubilee money by a member of your church who knew we were going to China in fall of 2009 to teach English to university students in Henan Province. She challenged us to find someone to bless with this money during this past school year. Well, we have!
My friend Pam started an organization in 2006 called Swallow's Nest to provide care for about 25 special needs orphans in 3 apartments in downtown Zhengzhou. These children are waiting for surgeries and/or adoptive placement with a forever family. As a nurse, I have been able to assist her with infant assessments, wound dressing changes, and other concerns. Pam and her family have challenged us to care for the 'least of these'. This money will go to offset the cost of surgery and the ongoing costs of formula and diapers. They are truly God's hands and feet.
Their website is:
Amazing stuff! Thank you for this opportunity.
Josh & Karen (and Levi) Christoffels
Zhengzhou, Henan Province CHINA