Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Jubilee by: Deb and BJ

Deb and BJ have no internet access but wanted to include their Jubilee story. BJ has had his truck in the shop and funds have been really tight. The day his truck was in the shop, BJ went to Hy-Vee with the Jubilee money and bought donuts and juice for the garage guys. When the baker at Hy-Vee heard what was going on, he joined in with the Jubilee and threw in lots of extra stuff (donuts). Then when BJ went to the garage to pick-up the truck the mechanics got in on the Jubilee and took a huge amount off the bill. BJ said that the Jubilee money just seems to go and go! Deb is in the process of giving away her half right now…more to come!

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